Monday, March 12, 2007


Cam loves this Lobster teether that Papa "Cowley" gave him for Christmas! He has two teeth in now so he needs as many things to chew on as he can have! Teething has made a perfectly happy and calm baby very cranky at times. This is a stage that I have found myself truly unprepared for! There is really nothing that makes him feel better, and trust me I've tried everything! Most of the time I just surround him with anything and everything that he could possibly chew on and let him at it. As you can see he prefers the hard end of the toys to the end he is actually suppose to chew on!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Out of the Tub

Cameron just got out of the tub. He loves his bath even more now that he can sit up in there all by himself! He has rubber ducks to play with, and he even lets me pour water over his head head without crying! He loves water and splashing around.